Meeting Mr Bill (the Shoebill)

β€œEach of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution.”
― Deepak Chopra

The Shoe Bill storks would definitely nod their bills to the above quote. I had read about them, while I was still at home in my country and was excited about a chance of meeting them in Uganda, as work brought me to their native land.

Shoe bill storks are found in limited areas within about seven countries in East and Central Africa – from southern  Sudan and South Sudan through parts of eastern Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, western Tanzania and northern Zambia. The bird is found in freshwater swamps amongst areas interspersed with undisturbed papyrus and reedbeds. Where the water is deep, it moves about on the floating vegetation.

Excited to be near their habitat, I did some research to find a good way of reaching them from Entebbe. Learnt quickly that the best sightings occur in an area called Mabamba swamps along the shores of Lake Victoria near Entebbe.

06 Dec 2020 : All tied up, reached Nakiwogo Ferry site with my Guide and hopped onto a fishing boat. 40 minutes of cruise over the lake and we reached the Mabamba swamps

Once at the swamps, I shifted into a smaller boat for ease of negotiating the swamps

Looking around for the bird is not simple. The boatmen do a good job of making their way through the swamp to look into some nooks and corners.

Finding it is super thrilling !
But you don’t find it always. I have been on three trips so far. Found it only once and I feel lucky.

There … our grumpy Mr Bill or do I see a naughty smile !!
A wait of 30 minutes finally paid off for both of us : It finally caught a Lung Fish with some salad …
… but it is an experts at spitting out the unwanted material … Fish was swallowed swiftly !!
A very satisfied and smiling Mr Bill !!

Oh yes ! about the Lung Fish. I also saw the lung fish up close for the first time. A fun fact – the local fishermen in Mabamba have lung fish as their totem, so they don’t eat it. However, they do catch it for trading !!

The fisherman showing off his prized catch of the day – A big Lung Fish
My guide could not resist the temptation of buying one for his family dinner !

Shoe Bills are few and far between. No fixed places to feed, shy and easily disturbed by us humans. The guides in these areas are striking a good balance between the number of people visiting the area and the privacy of these exclusive and unique birds. I hope and pray that these birds survive the ever increasing pressures like increased human activities around / through their habitat (some waterways run through these swamps), poaching and stealing their chicks for selling in the black market as pets (yes, we humans can stoop to nadir of cheapness).

Signing off on a happier note, let me say that – I indeed feel privileged to have Mr Bill in person and wish many of you do too. Should you ever visit Entebbe (I hope many of you do), I would be more than willing to assist you in looking for Mr Bill.

PS – There were plenty of other lovely birds all along the trip. Will post them separately. I think, Mr Bill deserves an exclusive spot !

Happy Birding !!

02 Jan 2021 : A Revisit and Fishing with Mr Bill

Could not resist the call of the wild and planned a visit on 02 Jan 2021 for another rendezvous with Mr Bill at the Mabamba swamps.

My guide told me an interesting fact. The Lung Fish is called Maamba in their local language. Since, it is found in abundance in their area (swamps), the elders of the clan decided to call those areas “Mabamba” (home to the Lung Fish). He also shared how Lake Victoria, in the late 1960s and 1970s used to be teeming with hippos and crocodiles. Subsequently, killed / poached / pushed out by human settlers who started to occupy the areas of Entebbe and Kampala in exponentially growing numbers. Today there are no hippos / crocodiles in these areas.

Also, the local clan (one with the Lung Fish as their totem) used to kill the Shoe Bill Storks to save the fish for themselves. Now, conservationists have educated them and they protect the storks and act as local guides. With growing awareness and conservation efforts the storks are recovering albeit at a slow pace.

Back to Mabamba. Let me share a picture to change your perspective a little about the kind of transportation available in the Lake Victoria.

One of the swanky luxurious boats which takes tourist for cruises in the Lake Victoria.
Luckily, we found Mr Bill without much difficulty this time. Notice the habitat. Remember, It is all water underneath.
Well, after a quick acknowledgement of each others’ presence…..
…..we all settled in quickly to fish together, Mr Bill looking for its favourite, Lung Fish, my friend for Telapia and I for Mr Bill’s catch.
All was going well, till a lightening thunder nearby reminded us of the impending thunderstorm and rains. We could see and smell it coming….. time to bid farewell to Mr Bill.
Got back into ‘E’ Class boat and hunkered down for a wet and choppy ride home !!

While we crossed the channel in the battering rain, I was wondering what must Mr Bill be doing in this storm ?

Maybe, next time I will stay longer to find out !!

Happy Birding !!

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  1. Rohit Gupta

    A beautiful narrative with a touching tinge… Great snaps

    • 22/12/2020

      Sir, Thank you for the encouragement – like always !



    • 23/12/2020

      Thank you Sandeep. Sure, looking forward to the next trip together !

  3. Preetam Kumar

    Great narrative of the rare ave species.
    And too good shot captured sir. ?

    • 24/12/2020

      Thank you Preetam. Encouragement is the fuel… πŸ™‚

  4. Nats

    Great going sir

    • 29/12/2020

      Dear Nats, thank you !

  5. Ambika

    What a treat to the eyes and soul seeing and reading about pics !! Amazing way of compiling n sharing . ????

    • 31/12/2020

      Thank you Ambika – that is motivating! Glad you liked it.

  6. Rema

    beautiful writeup. The pics are awesome

  7. Rema

    The events are so beautifully told and the pictures are awesome.
    Well done!!!

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