Indian Birds of Prey #1

“when they prey, others pray” – birdingjo

Fierce, powerful, and ruthless rulers of the skies, the raptors have long fascinated humans. History is replete of records displaying the reverence these birds of prey have attained over thousands of years in all parts and cultures of the world.

India too is home or a pit stop for many a raptors. Great variety and diversity is found all across the country. Here is a humble collection of a few that my friends and I have been lucky to observe and capture some memories.

This is just a humble account of some fabulous raptors which can be found and observed in India. The list is far from complete, but that was never the idea – the idea was to just share what we have been fortunate to witness in diverse landscapes and corners of our vast country. As raptors, Indian owls are equally unique, intriguing and fascinating – they deserve a dedicated post (coming soon).

You would agree that we are blessed on many accounts in terms of diversity of landscapes / habitats and their occupants. I hope that my friends and I have managed to ignite some curiosity and sense of association with our natural heritage.

Happy hunting (only with eyes or cameras) !!

Jo Written by:


  1. Gaurav Kamboj

    Lovely blog…… & very well scripted for Birders especially for Amateurs & Beginners….. thanks for making me part of the process….

    • 21/03/2021

      Dear Gaurav, Thank you for your contributions and enriching our collective records. Looking forward to more.

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